Dziekan Wydziału serdecznie zaprasza pracowników oraz studentów na
seminarium wydziałowe, które
odbędzie się w czwartek 13 września o godz. 12.30 (Instytut Informatyki, sala 119). Prelegentem będzie
prof. Magnus M. Halldorsson
z Uniwersytetu w Reykjaviku, który wygłosi wykład pt.
"The algorithmic study of wireless networking". Przed seminarium, o godz. 12.00, Dziekan zaprasza na kawę i ciastka.
Wireless communication has had tremendous impact on our lives and
promises to feature prominently in future technologies, such as the
We are interested here in addressing fundamental wireless networking
problems, giving algorithms with rigorous reasoning and obtaining
results that hold in wide variety of technologies and environments.
We first outline recent progress in the challenging physical (or SINR)
model of wireless communication, focusing on the basic questions of
"How much wireless communication can coexist?" and "How to maximize
the throughput?"
We then turn our attention to meta-questions that mirror those faced
by any researcher: "What is the right model in which to study the
phenomena of interest?" and "What are the 'right' questions to study?"
The talk will make no assumptions about familiarity with communication
systems or theory, nor about algorithmic techniques/analysis.