Uniwersytet Wrocławski Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

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Dean's Representatives


Ewa Damek, contact: edamek@math.uni.wroc.pl, in person in office no 901 (Mathematical Institute) or by phone (you can get the phone number of Ewa Damek by calling the Institute secretariat, +48 71 375 7401).

Jarosław Byrka, contact: jaroslaw.byrka(at)cs.uni.wroc.pl, in person in office no 244 (Institute of Computer Science) or by calling +48 71 375 7817.

The ombudsmen may be contacted by students, Ph.D. students and employees of the Department in matters related to the functioning of the community, to obtain support and help in solving the problem. The role of the ombudsman is to listen to the reporting person, diagnose the problem and provide advice or help in solving it.