Uniwersytet Wrocławski Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

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Tuesday, March 29, 2022
W piątek 1 kwietnia o godzinie 12.15 odbędzie się seminarium wydziałowe (w Instytucie Informatyki, w sali 119).

Prelegentem będzie prof. Wolfgang E. Nagel (TU Dresden, Center for Information Services and HPC (ZIH)), który wygłosi wykład pt.

Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and High Performance Computing

Po wykładzie zapraszamy na kawę i ciasto.

Streszczenie: Methods and techniques of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have been investigated for decades in pursuit of a vision where computers can mimic human intelligence. In recent years, these methods have become more mature and, in some specialized applications, evolved to super-human abilities, e.g. in image recognition or in games such as Chess and Go. Nonetheless, formidable questions remain in the area of fundamental algorithms, training data usage, or explainability of results, to name just a few. The AI – and especially the ML – developments have been boosted by powerful HPC-Systems, mainly driven by the GPU architectures built in in many if not most HPC systems these days. The talk will explain the challenges of integrating AI and HPC into ‘monolithic’ systems. And it will provide a broad overview of what impact the availability of such systems will have on the science system.