Dziekan Wydziału serdecznie zaprasza pracowników oraz studentów na
seminarium wydziałowe, które
odbędzie się we wtorek 29 października o godz. 12.30 (Instytut Informatyki, sala 119). Prelegentem będzie
prof. Andreas Thom z Technische Universität w Dreznie, który wygłosi wykład pt.
"Sofic approximations — what’s the problem?".
Przed seminarium, o godz. 12.00, Dziekan zaprasza na kawę i ciastka.
I am planning to give a general introduction to sofic groups,
mention a few applications to fundamental conjectures about groups and
group rings, and explain Misha Gromov’s conjecture that all groups are sofic. Finally I want to discuss the notion of stability and
present a natural generalization of Gromov’s conjecture due to Laszlo
Lovasz and Balasz Szegedy that has recently been disproved in joint work with Gabor Kun.
O prelegencie:
Andreas Thom works in various topics of geometric group theory, real
algebraic geometry, algebraic topology and ergodic theory of group
operations. He is an author or more then 80 research papers.
Among other top journals he published in Inventiones Mathematicae and
Duke Mathematical Journal.
Andreas Thom defended his PhD in 2003 in Munster under supervision of prof. Joachim
Cuntz. After working as a professor in Gottingen and Leipzig,
from 2014 he is a geometry professor at the Technical University in Dresden.
Professor Thom is a recipient of two ERC grants: in 2011 he was awarded an ERC Starting grant entitled "Geometry and analysis of
groups rings", and in 2016 he was awarded an ERC Consolidator grant entitled "Groups, Dynamics and
In 2018 he was invited to give a section lecture at the International Congress of
Mathematicians in Rio de Janerio.